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O Kindle e o iPad - Opinião de um proprietário de um iPad - (via CNN iReport)

No momento de entusiasmo inicial com o lançamento do iPad, um gadget que me parece excelente, apesar de algumas limitações gritantes (multitasking, câmara de vídeo, leitura de flash, etc, etc.) que levam muita gente a dizer "o rei vai nu"... li este comentário que um proprietário de um iPad enviou a propósito da funcionalidade de leitura de livros do Ipad e da comparação deste com o Kindle, para esta utilização específica, claro:

"iReport —

Yesterday I caved and went downtown to the Apple store on Fifth and bought an iPad.

Today I'm reviewing it - from the point of view of a non Apple user.

I'm glad I bought the iPad. It doesn't bring much new in the way of features, but it does bring in an ease of use and attractive design.

What it will NOT replace: It will not replace my Kindle. Although the iPad has an iBooks application, the backlit screen and the books' layout does not seem to provide the same ease of spending hours reading novels on the Kindle. Sure, it has color which the Kindle reader does not have, but as I am primarily a reader of novels, this doesn't do much for me. Kindle's Ink® electronic paper display is easy on the eyes and allows for easy reading in sunlight.

When you turn a page in the iPad iBook, the display shows an image of the page turning. It is therefore slower than the Kindle page turn which is done on the press of a button (one on each side to cater for both right and left handed people). The iBook looks pretty, but pretending to look like a paper book does little to take full advantage of the electronic media.

Then there's the size. The Kindle fits easily into my handbag. The iPad is a bit too bulky.(...)"

A crítica completa está aqui:

E ainda, foto de um ecrã de iPad sob a luz directa do sol: